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Case Study - Oil Company

Client Problem: Steel Factory in Qatar Discovered their Partner Recruitment Agency to Supply them with Workers who Fail the Required Medical Exam

  • Client notices that accidents became frequent with the deployment of foreign workers in his factory.
  • The steel factory in Qatar finds out that the bulk of candidates deployed by a recruitment agency from the Philippines failed their medical exam and are unfit to work.
  • The said Philippine recruitment agency allegedly fakes the medical status of their workers despite the safety risks in a factory workplace.

Rensol’s Solution: Assist in Revocation of Former Partner Agency to POEA, Expedite Process to Replace Incompatible Workers with Fit-to-Work Workers

  • The steel factory sought the help of Rensol to solve the health and safety hazard of retaining unfit workers.
  • Rensol advised to disconnect with the former recruitment agency and assisted with the revocation process as faking medical status is a serious violation of the Revised Rules and Regulations on overseas recruitment imposed by POEA.
  • Due to the urgent need to fill in the large gap on vacated position, Rensol executed a contingency plan in accreditation and recruitment process in the fastest, yet more ethical way.

High standards of physical fitness are vital in a factory workplace with all those rotating equipment and heavy machinery one may be exposed to. Apparently, accident-proneness of a worker is correlated to one’s fitness for the job. With all the hazards, a worker’s technical skills and medical fitness are necessary factors during staff recruitment to an unsafe environment.

Apart from the danger that this pose to their health and their co-workers’, the cost of an accident to the company, even with the worker’s own negligence, is financially hurting and practically troubling to the factory’s operation.

That’s why the pre-employment medical examination is one of the important requisite before a worker’s deployment to the job site. Assurance from an accredited clinic that the worker is fit enough to work is the final go signal for a recruitment agency to pursue one’s application. The medical result is a significant determinant of a candidate’s effectiveness in the workplace, as well as his compatibility to survive the harshest of the conditions.

Case on Point: A Steel Factory Flocked with Unfit Workers

After a month of deployment of a bulk of Filipino workers to a steel company in Qatar, the management complained of the number of accidents happening each day despite the specialized skill training, strict supervision, and safety policies being imposed. Each accident cost them a lot. Apart from the financial assistance they provide, impediment of processes caused serious harm to their operations.

The owner finally decided to reevaluate their medical status as he suspected that their negligence and proneness to accident might be caused by something their company may not have control.

After evaluation, more than half of the newly-deployed employees failed the medical exam. Some workers were found to be obese, diabetic, anemic, and high-blood, while a big slice even has liver and lung diseases. Some are even over-age to their prescribed age during recruitment. The client company got back to the responsible recruitment agency, but the latter insisted that they could no longer do something about it since they were already deployed and have been working for a month in their factory. They insisted the legitimacy of their medical certificate and the contract they were bound to follow.

To lessen safety issues and possible legal complications in case of serious accidents that may possibly happen with the kind of workers they have, the client company seek an agency from the country to assist in resolving their dilemma.

Rensol’s Intermediation and Emergency Substitution

The client company sought the help of another recruitment agency to aid this serious human resource problem. When the case was presented before Rensol, it was made under study and it was concluded that the company was misled by their former partner recruiters when the bulk of deployed employees were confirmed to be unfit to work even before their deployment.

Under investigation, their medical exam was forced to be conducted in an unaccredited clinic by the Gulf Cooperation Council-(GCC) Accredited Medical Clinics Association (GAMCA). Papers of their medical results even suggested that some details were forged and manipulated. Rensol was easy to conclude that this is a clear ground for revocation due to non-compliance with the rules and regulations set by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).

Rensol reported the incident to POEA and the partnership of the two were soon dissolved. Unfit workers, whose lives may just be put in danger with the hazardous environment of a steel manufacturing, were subjected to repatriation.

Because of the immediate need to fill in the large gap of vacated slots, the client company decided to affiliate with Rensol to replace the ill agency and to continue the disrupted partnership to aid in their manpower needs.

With Rensol’s proven track record in the easy, convenient, and fast processing of accreditation documents and their sound relationship with the government, the process was expedited, and recruitment was even started earlier than expected.

The first batch of deployment of legitimately fit-to-work workers was made successful in a short span of time.  With Rensol’s strict compliance with the Rules and Regulations on recruitment processes provided by POEA, the steel company was able to equip its manpower with highly-competitive and qualified workers and medically fit ones that can survive the inevitable health hazards.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in the Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.

Case Study - Oil Company

Client Problem: Hospitality staff caught stealing from hotel guest’s luggage.

  • Filipino bellboy opened a luggage when guest was away, and the guest complained of missing jewelries.
  • He was caught on CCTV and the footage of the incident was uploaded on social media.
  • The video scandal made rounds online swiftly.

 RENSOL’s Solution: Investigation, Disciplinary Action, Intensive Background Checking

  • Rensol Recruitment imposed disciplinary action toward the accused employee as provided in Art. 145 of the Revised Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Land- based Overseas Filipino Workers of 2016.
  • The Philippine Partner Recruitment Agency employed a more intensive background check and rigorous character referencing in screening candidates for hotel and restaurant sites moving forward.

Theft in hospitality is not uncommon. It is not as rampant as we think but it is not also an isolated case to ignore. While the nature of the industry makes it more prone to opportunities of stealing from guests, honesty and integrity are still expected among hotel employees.

Case on Point: Resolution given for a Travel Hotspot

A Filipino bellman of a famous hotel and resort in the Middle East got sacked after having caught stealing jewelries from a guest’s luggage. CCTV footages showed that he opened her luggage while the guest was away. The accused didn’t plead no contest to charges of stealing as all evidences prodded him. He confessed that he was forced to steal from the guest because of his father who got ill. He pawned the jewelries he stole and sent the money to his family in the Philippines.

Unfortunately, a copy of the CCTV was uploaded online, and it became viral on different social media sites. As much as the hotel valued the service of the Filipino bellboy, who has been a reliable and trustworthy employee for more than three years, they can’t just tolerate the damage that the incident has caused their reputation as a major tourism destination.

It is good that the accuser didn’t push through sending the employee to jail but was only terminated and repatriated to save the company from further embarrassment.

Rensol Intervention

As their global partner recruitment agency in The Philippines, Rensol assures that their partnership does not end with just providing the principal a competitive manpower. They are guaranteed with a friend and a defender in times of need and serious crises. That is how they build lasting relationships. As soon as Rensol received the incident report, it was acted upon accordingly even if it was above and beyond their mandate as a recruitment agency.

Rensol made the proper intervention to manage the case.

  1. Upon receiving the report, Rensol coordinated with the hotel, the aggrieved party, and the accused to follow the progress of the investigation and the decision on penalties to be charged. They assisted the hotel with their best practices in crisis management and employed necessary measures to settle the dispute peacefully.
  2. Upon repatriation, The Philippine partner recruitment agency temporarily disqualified the dismissed employee to participate in any overseas employment program from the agency for a year as a standard disciplinary measure.

Employee theft in hospitality services can only be prevented by hiring people on whom employers can trust. A hospitality recruitment agency should have the best practices on pre-screening candidates, which includes an ethical system of backgrounding.

Aside from strictly seeking for clearance from the National Bureau of Investigations, Rensol conducts intensive reference check among every candidate before referring them to any client. By checking each applicant’s criminal backgrounds, they systematically eliminate culprits from their pool of potential hires. They also require each to have valid character references to counter check their academic background, professional track record, and even family history.

Rensol is also one of the very few recruitment agencies out of more than a thousand in the Philippines who can conduct their own Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) where workers will be oriented on prior consequences of misconducts like theft.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.


Case Study - Oil Company

Client Problem: Former Workers Seek Overtime Pay for Work Hours They Never Rendered

  • Groups formed at Employer Site before end of contract
  • Former workers complained about alleged non-payment of overtime pay of previous employer.

RENSOL’s Solution: Proper Coordination and Problem Solving for the Client

  • Rensol intervened by getting individual sides of both parties regarding the issue.
  • The partner Philippine Recruitment Agency worked on proof using official time sheets and pay slips.
  • Rensol resolved the issue satisfactorily for the client, who was very happy with the resolution and said “More than a recruitment partner, we found new friends at Rensol. We felt their genuine care mediating between us and the complainants and their actions led to the speedy resolution of the problem.”

It’s normal for Rensol Recruitment, a leading reputable recruitment agency in The Philippines to encounter problems the employer faces, and solve these problems keep client and worker satisfaction in mind.

Case on Point: Dispute solved for a Retail Giant

Former employees of a retail giant in the middle east who had their contracts ended and were already sent back to The Philippines petitioned for non-payment of overtime. Their complaint was raised to The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) which had threatened the retail company’s accreditation and reputation before the administration. Being the distinguished and high-principled employer that they are, the retail client is apprehensive of the ill-effects this issue might cause them.  It may harm all their existing contracts and future projects. They also had to face penalties that will be sanctioned by the government in lieu of the alleged damages imposed by their former employees.

Retail client sought Rensol Recruitment’s help to address the Filipino workers’ issue. It’s outside of the agreement signed by Rensol and the Retail principal, however, they went by their above and beyond commitment to their partner and intervened.

Rensol made the proper intervention to address the grievances of both parties.

  1. a) Rensol coordinated with the two parties by means of phone calls, Skype Video Calls, and personal visits to consolidate the opposite sides.
  2. b) Rensol investigated on what really transpired by counterchecking time sheets and pay slips to verify each other’s claims.

Apparently, no paper trails could back up what the two complainants had been appealing. By working on proof, Rensol discovered that there is really no overtime job rendered and the company has no monetary obligations pending for both of their former workers.

RENSOL Intervention

In cases when an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) is still under a contract, mediation or conciliation will be conducted between the company and the employee with the Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) labor attaché or Overseas Workers Welfare Administration’s (OWWA) welfare officer. Discussion regarding the complaint and finding an amicable and mutually-acceptable solution will be concluded. This doesn’t need to go as far as a legal battle or worse, repatriation.

In the given case where the two employees have already gone home for over two months, a mediation was made between the employees and the employer with the intervention of the POEA and with Rensol, the partner recruitment agency. This case may have been above the agency’s jurisdiction already, but with their promise to serve their partners even beyond the limitations of their service agreement, Rensol intervened and took the necessary course of action accordingly.

Rensol is as equal protecting their clients from abuses like this. Abiding with due processes, they successfully settled the dispute between the parties, assuring that every right has been protected.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: Rensol Recruitment and Consulting, Inc. is the fastest growing recruitment agency in The Philippines. A career consultant that aims to go above and beyond the level of expectations of both the aspirations of the candidates and the dream team standards of employers through providing exceptional opportunities and unparalleled quality-driven recruitment services.